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Dutch Clark Digital

Dutch Clark


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What is Dutch Clark Digital at Paragon?

Every Student, Every Opportunity, Every Day!

Dutch Clark Online

Mission statement

To engage and empower students through a customized education that leads to a life of purpose and impact.


To become a dynamic school that supports student success through diverse learning experiences and authentic community partnerships.

Dutch Clark Digital Online provides students in grades 9-12 with multiple options as they work toward their high school diploma. Dutch Clark Digital Online provides students with a customized, personalized education that can meet students' individual educational needs and wants. Students have the option to pursue a diploma fully online, or in a blended format at Dutch Clark Digital online's physical campus, at the Paragon Learning Center in Pueblo.

The flexible programs utilize digital learning, opportunities for face to face instructions and allow for scheduling and learning options for students who may otherwise not be able to fit into the traditional school model. In addition to serving these students, Dutch Clark Digital is able to increase access to electives and alternative areas of study for all students.

A typical week for a Dutch Clark Digital student will most likely include:

  • Thoughtfully reading the current week's assignments and materials to identify main points and supporting details
  • Interacting with teachers and fellow classmates to discuss course related topics
  • Completing and sending assignments to be graded by the instructor
  • Communicating with advisors to evaluate progress and success in the program